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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


This week we highlight the true heroes behind corrections with coverage of some of the events held across the U.S. for National Correctional Officers and Employees Week.
Jim, Corrections.com editor


To honor and celebrate

By Jim Montalto

Employee appreciation

The month of May in the U.S. is most notable for the events commemorating the nation’s fallen war heroes. Inside the world of corrections, it serves as a time to not only remember, but also to honor those who serve and have served behind the walls of every prison and jail across the country.

Ever since former president Ronald Reagan’s May 5, 1984, decree proclaiming the first ever National Correctional Officers Week, departments of corrections have been holding celebrations the first week of May to recognize the numerous employees who keep their facilities safe and secure. Read this week's full story.


Regarding The makings of a warrior, 5/27/08

A well designed, inspirational message. One of the best I have read. It is always good to have someone giving this message somewhere at the front of the correctional organization. However, I believe that there is a major failure of use of force training systems in correctional systems to teach and cause staff to walk and talk the warrior ethic.

Part of the problem is, most often, causing staff to be ethical is seen as a formal training issue only. Most want, and desperately need, the technical skills and to choose to keep their homemade ethics derived from the community or battlefield.
Gene Atherton, National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center Institutions Program Manager, Colorado

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The gang terrorist connection, part II

Many terrorists and suspected terrorists have been apprehended in possession of international driver’s licenses while countless others have avoided apprehension from law enforcement because of the use of such documents and lack of law enforcement knowledge about these documents. Full story

The makings of a warrior

I have written many training articles, and trained many individuals whom I hope never need the tactics and strategies I have shown. Full story

The doctor is out

There’s a good chance that on any given day, at any number of hospitals across the United States, an inmate is receiving care from a non-correctional nurse or doctor. Full story


NCIC Inmate Telephone Services announces international collect calling

NCIC Inmate Telephone Services is pleased to announce its introduction of International Collect Calling for inmate telephone providers. More

NCIC Inmate Telephone Services announces next generation system

NCIC Inmate Telephone Services is pleased to announce its second generation of VOIP-enabled, full-featured inmate phone platform. More

NaphCare announces new contract with Essex County, Massachusetts

NaphCare, a Birmingham - based provider of correctional health care, was recently awarded a contract for the Essex County correctional facilities in Middleton, Massachusetts. More


Cate new Calif. secretary

Matthew Cate, 41, became California’s new corrections chief May 16, as California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Secretary James Tilton officially retired from the post. Full story

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Unlock the Mystery: Managing Mental Health from Corrections to Community

Date: 6/23 - 25/08
Attendees will be afforded the opportunity to acquire innovative strategies, employed by correctional agencies across the country, for managing the explosive growth of the mentally ill, substance abuse, and sex offender populations within the adult male, adult female and juvenile populations in jails and prisons. Read more.

G.R.E.A.T. National Conference

Date: 7/16 - 18/08
You are invited to participate in the wealth of knowledge available to you at this year’s training conference for the Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program Read more.

35th Annual Conference & Training Institute

Date: 7/20 - 24/08
The National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice is pleased to announce the celebration of their 35th Anniversary in the beautiful city of Orlando, Fla. Read more


"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied."
- Evan Esar (1899 - 1995), American Humorist


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