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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


What is the best way to transport an inmate? Should officers be armed? Should inmates know about their travel? The answers are many and varied. Hospitals also seem to be at odds with what's best and what's right regarding staff safety and their ethical obligation to care for all. This week, we review the challenges South Carolina and other departments face as they manage their own transport issues.
Jim, Corrections.com editor


The doctor is out

By Ann Coppola

Safe travels

There’s a good chance that on any given day, at any number of hospitals across the United States, an inmate is receiving care from a non-correctional nurse or doctor. In these situations, the ultimate objective of hospital administrators – saving lives – can sometimes clash with the ultimate objective of corrections officials – security. Even worse, like so many other seemingly routine corrections procedures, outside medical appointments have the potential to turn into deadly incidents.

“Across corrections in this country if you look at the most serious, bad outcomes over the past few years, they’ve all been transport related,” says South Carolina Department of Corrections Director Jon Ozmint, who chairs the American Correctional Association’s staff safety issues committee. “Transports used to be routine, but we can’t treat them like they’re routine anymore.” Read this week's full story.


Regarding Ideological connections between gangs and terrorists, 5/25/08

As co-author to one of the nation's largest and most respected U.S. biker violence timelines, I've been saying that for years. Its good to see Sergeant Savelli use this venue for the topic.
Sgt. Zavala, Wyandotte Police Department, Michigan

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Ideological connections between gangs and terrorists

The events of September 11th, 2001, have changed policing, as we knew it, forever. Full story

The makings of a warrior

I have written many training articles, and trained many individuals whom I hope never need the tactics and strategies I have shown. Full story

Run riot

The first few weeks of May bring blooming roses to the White House gardens and full, fragrant orange blossoms to the California groves. Full story


NaphCare announces new contract with Essex County, Massachusetts

NaphCare, a Birmingham - based provider of correctional health care, was recently awarded a contract for the Essex County correctional facilities in Middleton, Massachusetts. More

Facilities getting solid benefits from PCS’ financial strength

No long-term debt combined with consistent yearly incremental growth and profitability has positioned Public Communications Service, Inc. (PCS) as the leading inmate communications firm... More

Ferguson Safety Products G.M. visits Mississippi

Ferguson Safety Products received an invitation to join the Mississippi State Penitentiary Suicide Prevention Training seminar, held by Dr. Kentrell Liddell. More


Thirteenth CO training class graduates

Suffolk County, Mass. Sheriff, Andrea J. Cabral, recently hosted graduating ceremonies for thirty-two new corrections officers. This is the thirteenth class under her leadership. Full story

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In Depth Gang Awareness & Investigations

Date: 6/7/08
This course covers not only the basics of gang identification but will look in depth at the history of certain gangs, identifying characteristics and what the common gang symbols mean. Read more

Unlock the Mystery: Managing Mental Health from Corrections to Community

Date: 6/23 - 25/08
Attendees will be afforded the opportunity to acquire innovative strategies, employed by correctional agencies across the country, for managing the explosive growth of the mentally ill, substance abuse, and sex offender populations within the adult male, adult female and juvenile populations in jails and prisons. Read more.

G.R.E.A.T. National Conference - 2008

Date: 7/16 - 18/08
You are invited to participate in the wealth of knowledge available to you at this year’s training conference for the Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program Read more.


"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes."
- Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987), U.S. artist


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