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Corrections Connection: This Week In Corrections


We continue with our security, technology and threat groups focus with coverage on one of most anticipated events of the year - the Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization's mock riot. Reporter Ann Coppola gets feedback from first-timers as well as veterans of the annual May event.
Editor, Corrections.com


Run riot!

By Ann Coppola

Don't mock the riot

The first few weeks of May bring blooming roses to the White House gardens and full, fragrant orange blossoms to the California groves. Before long, Memorial Day weekend brings the unofficial start of summer to the New England coast. And in a small city in West Virginia, hundreds of men and women from all over the world bring their A-game for a down-and-dirty, no holds barred prison riot.

Last week, 1,305 law enforcement professionals from Ireland to El Salvador to Singapore descended upon the former West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville, West Virginia for the 12th annual Mock Prison Riot. Hosted by the Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization (OLETC) and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the riot gave tactical team members the opportunity to test new technologies in riot training scenarios for four non-stop days. Even in the drizzling, overcast West Virginia weather, spirits could not be dampened. Read this week's full story.


There are many reasons for prison and jail overcrowding; most have some socio-economic basis. However one area that is often overlooked is the technology that allows the enforcement of laws to be more efficient in catching the offender.

After 25 years working in prisons, as Sheriff and in jails, it never ceases to amaze me how technology has made the job of catching and proving guilt easier. The proficiency of the law enforcement officer going after the bad guy/gal has improved through better training and higher education. Let us give them much of the credit!!

Regarding Injuring the soul, 5/12/08

I have worked in corrections for over 10 years and have watched a slow change in the industry. With rehabilitation on the forefront now, I believe we need to shift the training of new officers to keep up with this trend.
TM, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department,Transition Team

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Focus Issues 2008

Security, Technology and Threat Groups

Women in corrections - Profiling successful women practitioners and the issues they face

Off the Clock - What practitioners do in their leisure time

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Ditching paper, going digital

Among the many challenges corrections officials face is providing inmate health care, and managing the paperwork generated by this enormous task. Full story

Technology hits new heights

Correctional technology assessment committees welcomed in May a new member to the family after the first-ever Rocky Mountain Technology Assessment Committee (RMTAC) meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Full story

Workplace entanglements

As in other branches of law enforcement, sexual involvement is not uncommon among corrections staff who are married or are in otherwise committed relationships. Full story


Facilities getting solid benefits from PCS’ financial strength

No long-term debt combined with consistent yearly incremental growth and profitability has positioned Public Communications Service, Inc. (PCS) as the leading inmate communications firm... More

Ferguson Safety Products G.M. visits Mississippi

Ferguson Safety Products received an invitation to join the Mississippi State Penitentiary Suicide Prevention Training seminar, held by Dr. Kentrell Liddell. More

Bob Barker Company adds complete first aid system

Bob Barker Company recently announced the addition of the All-Ready Complete First Aid System to their extensive line of detention products. More


Pa. chief named Warden of the Year

Craig Lowe, warden of Pennsylvania’s Pike County Correctional Facility, received the Warden of the Year award during the Pennsylvania Prison Wardens Association’s annual spring training symposium. Full story

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In Depth Gang Awareness & Investigations

Date: 6/7/08
This course covers not only the basics of gang identification but will look in depth at the history of certain gangs, identifying characteristics and what the common gang symbols mean. Read more

Unlock the Mystery: Managing Mental Health from Corrections to Community

Date: 6/23 - 25/08
Attendees will be afforded the opportunity to acquire innovative strategies, employed by correctional agencies across the country, for managing the explosive growth of the mentally ill, substance abuse, and sex offender populations within the adult male, adult female and juvenile populations in jails and prisons. Read more.

G.R.E.A.T. National Conference - 2008

Date: 7/16 - 18/08
You are invited to participate in the wealth of knowledge available to you at this year’s training conference for the Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program Read more.


"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
- Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965), French philosopher & physician


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