This Week's Corrections Connection
Thursday | May 1, 2008
We conclude our international focus with the final part of Adriane P. Reesey's survey of the South African corrections system.
Inside Africa, Part II
Adriane P. Reesey
Further exploration
Editor’s note: In part one last week, Reesey discussed her part in a professional corrections delegation, comprised of wardens, psychiatrists, and educators, that traveled to South Africa to explore the country’s corrections system. This week, she reviews the South African Correctional System’s 20-year vision and how it is working toward those goals.
In 2005, the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) put together a white paper, or government report, expounding upon and setting out goals, the new 20-year vision that placed rehabilitation at the center of the paradigm. Rehabilitation is defined in that document as the correction of the offending behavior and the development and ultimate promotion of social responsibility, as well as values.
The DCS’s white paper provided the structure for the implementation of policy that was then phased into 36 DCS Centre’s of Excellence. The document placed rehabilitation at the forefront, believing that prevention of recidivism was best met through opportunities for offenders to improve and to correct their behavior, and not through punishment.
Read this week's full story.
Read part one of this story.
Regarding the ongoing debate about private facilities from our readers and contributors, and the articles
Counterpoint: Too harsh on private industry, 4/14/08 and
Protecting proprietary interests? 4/21/08.
If you work in private corrections you get used to people bashing everyone involved in private corrections, and they usually have the last news report as their only reference. I have worked both sides of the fence and can tell you that there are as much bad at a private prison as there is at public or state facilities.
To make a blanket statement that people at private facilities are only interested in profit only serves to further a limited view of the issue and is misleading. I currently work at a private prison that is fully staffed with some of the best and most dedicated corrections professionals in the business.
You should also examine how well they are forced to operate within their budgets and are responsible for results. State facilities could not operate at the same level with the same repercussion for non compliance that the private prisons do. Imagine if you are fined for one use of force that the state didn't approve of.
The rules are very different for private and state facilities.The other thing to consider is that if there were no need for private prisons then there would be none. People who don't want private prisons should be prepared for higher taxes to build public ones.
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American Jail Association Training Conference & Jail Expo
The American Jail Association invites you to join them at their 27th annual Training Conference & Jail Expo, May 4-8, 2008, in Sacramento, California.
Direct supervision and management, NIC legal issues, defusing violence, and many more topics will be discussed. A session for first time attendees and a board of directors installation ceremony will also be featured during the week’s events.
For more information, see the exciting AJA conference overview, or register here.
Don’t miss the American Jail Association’s 27th annual Training Conference & Jail Expo, May 4-8, 2008, in Sacramento, California.
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"America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair."
- Arnold Toynbee (1889 - 1975), English historian and historical philosopher